A Sensitive Approach for Older Homes
Preserving the character of older homes through well-crafted and stylistically appropriate
restorations, renovations, and additions.
My practice specializes in stylistically appropriate restorations, renovations, and additions to fine older homes in our area. The carefully considered approach that I employ enables my clients to derive the most value from their efforts and their investment, and furthermore, helps them to avoid many potential pitfalls. My absolute commitment in every project is to crafting a design for my clients that is in harmony with the character and the quality of their home, as well as with their own personality and style of living.
The Art of Design
Architecture is a fine art, and the emotive power of the homes that we inhabit is remarkable. Well-designed homes welcome us in, they offer us warmth and comfort, and they add richness to our daily lives. At their very best, they even seem to speak directly to our souls.
Good design, however, demands not just beauty, but utility. Because one’s home must, above all, be conducive to the activities of daily living, the importance of functionality and comfort is paramount.
Working with an architect to develop a custom design solution for your home is a rare and unique opportunity, and can be one of life's most meaningful and fulfilling endeavors.
Vision, creativity, and insight are all required traits in an architect, as it is these qualities that enable him to bring form to your desires.
The challenge, of course, is that each project has its own unique set of constraints; your architect’s ability to recognize, thoroughly comprehend, and respond appropriately to these constraints is fundamental to your project’s success. These skills, I believe, are my greatest strengths.
Respectful Renovations
While we treasure vintage homes for their workmanship, character, and enduring beauty, we must also admit that in certain regards they are simply not particularly conducive to 21st century living. Indeed, the lifestyles of their occupants have changed so dramatically over the decades that we now have entirely different expectations as to what is required of a kitchen, a bathroom, or a master suite.
What distinguishes my work is how it adapts older homes to our present day needs, but does so in a way that is respectful of the age, style, and character of the structure.
This having been said, however, I also believe in the value of honest design. Although my work in older homes invariably takes strong cues from its context, I eschew design in which modern elements are treated with false historicism. Rather, my designs are forthright, of their time, and able to stand on their own merits. So, although I do not expect anybody to mistake my renovation work in an old house for its original fabric, being told that my design "looks as though it belongs" is one of the highest compliments that I can receive.

My Work